Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I'm Not a Bum, I am a Human Being

"There is a cure for homelessness,
It shouldn't be a death sentence"

A quote from Providence Journal

 In Providence, Rhode Island, there are homeless people young and old that have died. Some from disease, sleeping out in the cold, and overall living in a dirty environment. Others have died because they were unable to go to the doctors for their sickness mentally or physically. Some even died from suicide, unable to cope living outside like an animal.

"I have people sayin' 'Get a job Bum', but hold on wait a minute I'm still human not a bum"

Acts of violence has been a common trend with homeless people. Many teens and other individuals go out and have "bum fights" on YouTube. Aside from making homeless people do immoral acts such as murder, defecation of on the streets; even many people are also the culprit of randomly harassing and punching the homeless according to Philly. Homeless people are not for our entertainment. They are not your pet or toy that you can boss around.

Numerous times I have heard, even from the kindest people, that homeless people are lazy and need to find a job. However, one must look at it through their perspective.

"I go in with my resume, not looking presentable. They [employees] leave me with 'leave a number and maybe we'll call you back.' But how am I going to leave a number if I don't have a phone?"

That quote was from the homeless man in the video above. Much of these people are war veterans, and even educated people.

"I have a masters degree in mechanical engineering and physics from Dartmouth. I moved here to accept a job offer; but apparently, they gave it to someone else. Now I'm here sleeping in a homeless shelter and on the streets."  Maurice Johnson, a homeless man stated.

I have also heard that some people deserve it, they set up this lifestyle for not taking initiative in their life. Although it may be true that some were reckless, do they deserve to be dehumanized, and forced to simply become objects of entertainment or even someone negatively looked down upon? Would you want to be looked on with such pity, full of humility, and even judged for something that isn't necessarily your fault? We don't know their story, but many just want recognition that they are human beings, not simply a bum with a sign and  a cup.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your points completely. I believe that we shouldn't judge others, because we don't know their story or what they have been through. I really like how towards the end of your post, you questioned the audience. Your questions made me think more about how I would feel if I was homeless, and being judged by others. This was a very good blog, and I liked how you were able to form connections with the audience through your blog.
